Person working in fume hood wearing personal protective equipment

Applied Machine Learning for Chemists and Engineers

Graduate Certificate

This 10 credit hour graduate certificate offers a broad, interdisciplinary, practical, experience that students can leverage in the start of their careers. This program will provide students with experience working in research teams of various expertise and strengthen their ability to communicate and work effectively across disciplines.

Certificate Requirements

Graduate Standing at KU, typically in Chemical & Petroleum Engineering, Chemistry, or Electrical Engineering & Computer Science. Applications require a 1-page personal statement and a resume/curriculum vitae. Certificate-only applications will also require a letter of recommendation. 

Per graduate studies policy: "Graduate courses taken as a degree-seeking student may count toward both a graduate degree and graduate certificate as long as the student is admitted and enrolled in the certificate program prior to completion of the last course required for the certificate."

This program is not currently offered online. 

Complete your application below! 

Required Courses

C&PE 715 | Topics in Chemical and Petroleum Engineering: Applied Machine Learning for Scientists and Engineers - 3 credit hours, Spring only

C&PE 802 | CEBC Colloquium- 1 credit hour

& Choose One (at least 3 credit hours) Research Course:

C&PE Students: C&PE 803 or C&PE 904 | Research - 3-6 credit hour(s)

CHEM Students: CHEM 800 or CHEM 899 or CHEM 900 or CHEM 999 | Research - 3-10 credit hour(s)

EECS Students: EECS 891 or EECS 899 or EECS 998 or EECS 999 | Research - 3-5 credit hour(s)

& Choose One (3 credit hour) Data Science Course:

C&PE 778 | Applied Optimization Methods - 3 credit hours

CHEM 914 | Computational Methods in Physical Sciences - 3 credit hours

EECS 649 | Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - 3 credit hours

EECS 767 | Information Retrieval - 3 credit hours

EECS 835 | Advanced Data Science - 3 credit hours

EECS 836 | Machine Learning - 3 credit hours


Graduate certificate policies are in accordance with the Registrar’s regulations on Academic Transcripts, the University officially records and recognizes completion of a graduate certificate by noting the achievement on the transcript. Ceremonial certificate documents may be available upon request.

Tuition and fees for this certificate will be charged at the regular rate.  This certificate is not eligible for financial aid as a stand-alone certificate (i.e. nondegree-seeking students); however, the certificate will be aided for eligible degree-seeking students.